Get connected

You will find on this page some of the different ways that we have to help us get connected. Take the time to look around and contact us if you have any questions. 

  • There are many to choose from. click on the link to find out more.

  • new community Class

    Our hope is that you will take our class on New Community as we seek to enfold you into the body here at Rolling Hills.  We believe that every person and every family is vital to the healthy life of the Church.

    Please inquire at

  • We offer various ministries geared toward individual needs. Click on the link to go to our ministry page to find out more.

  • volunteer

    There are many areas at Rolling Hills that you can get involved in. Whether it's a heart for prayer, a passion for children, an ability to play an instrument, a longing to bring meals to those who are hurting, or even willing hands to work behind the scenes, we invite you to be used in service to the Lord.  We believe all gifts grow in maturity over the life of a believer and therefore should be given opportunity to be used and nurtured. 
         If you are uncertain of your particular gifts or areas of service the first step is to pray to God for guidance.  Next you should talk to an elder or pastor who would love to help you discover your particular areas of service and gifting and to assist you in developing those for the glory of Christ.  Thirdly, fill out the "Serving in our Church Form" so we know you are interested and willing.